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Monday The Maxi Dress

Pink Blush Maternity, Nursing Dresses, maternity maxi dress, cute maternity clothes, maternity clothing, cute maternity dress, maternity boutique, trendy maternity clothes, pinkblush maternity, pink blush maternity
maternity maxi dress, cute maternity clothes, maternity clothing, cute maternity dress, maternity boutique, trendy maternity clothes, pinkblush maternity, pink blush maternity
maternity maxi dress, cute maternity clothes, maternity clothing, cute maternity dress, maternity boutique, trendy maternity clothes, pinkblush maternity, pink blush maternity
maternity maxi dress, cute maternity clothes, maternity clothing, cute maternity dress, maternity boutique, trendy maternity clothes, pinkblush maternity, pink blush maternity
maternity maxi dress, cute maternity clothes, maternity clothing, cute maternity dress, maternity boutique, trendy maternity clothes, pinkblush maternity, pink blush maternitymaternity maxi dress, cute maternity clothes, maternity clothing, cute maternity dress, maternity boutique, trendy maternity clothes, pinkblush maternity, pink blush maternity

Hi lovely friends,
Weekends seem to always be over too soon. I read somewhere a funny quote that goes something like this: "Why is Monday so far away from Friday and Friday so close to Monday?" hahaha Isn't it true though? Anyways! I hope you had a great weekend and I wish you a even better week ahead.

During weekends we usually visit different parks and try to explore the city a little since we are still relatively new here in the Seattle Area and there are so many great things to see. But going out and trying to play tourist with a baby can be hard sometimes. 
I always try to plan ahead the things that we might need for the day such as diapers, snacks, water bottles, toys etc. and I usually do a good job at bringing everything we need. Sometimes even more than we need, if you were to ask my husband. But I feel like I have such a hard time planning my outfits when we go out. If you know me, I love to wear dresses, but since having Aria, I haven't been able to wear dresses a lot unless they have some sort of buttons or zipper in front so I could nurse Aria when needed. 
So whenever I would go shopping I would always look for 'nursing dresses', but I've had a hard time finding ones that I like, until I found out that Pink Blush Maternity has a beautiful nursing dresses collection. These dresses make life as a mom so much easier because you have one less thing to worry about.  There is nothing worse than realizing at the last moment that your dress is not fit for nursing your baby, and then you have a fussy and screaming baby in your hands. Trust me I've been there. So to all you great mamas out there you need to treat yourself with one of these dresses and you will thank me.

 I love that this is a maxi dress and has such an awesome design. I feel like this is a perfect dress to transition into Fall. I've been wearing this a few times since a I got it and I always get compliments even by strangers who ask me where I got it. These are also perfect for a growing bump and could be worn during pregnancy as a maxi maternity dress because the fabric is stretchy and has plenty room for a baby bump. I've seen on Pink Blush's Instagram that a lot of pregnant women are wearing these on their baby showers or for their pregnancy announcement pictures since they are sooo very pretty. They have so many pretty designs, it's so hard to pick one. Pink Blush maternity has beautiful maternity clothes to make your months of pregnancy a little more stylish. I was in love with their maternity dresses I got to wear when I was pregnant. You can check them our here and here. So if you are looking for some cute maternity and nursing clothes, Pink Blush should be your destination. 

Have you tried any of their clothes? Do you have any favorites? Let me know in your comments below.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!

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