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Wednesday Letter to my daughter

My dear baby girl Aria,

Today you are 4 months old! You are growing up so fast!! I can still remember so vividly the moment I saw and held you for the first time! That moment will stay with me forever! You were so perfect and my heart was bursting from joy! We often talk about that moment with your daddy and he tells me that he had never seen me happier than in that particular moment. And I believe him. I remember I was kind of speechless at that moment and I couldn't find the right words to express the enormous love I felt for you instantly. It was like your tiny hand reached for my finger but touched my heart. I remember repeating over and over again: 'I love you' 'You are so beautiful' 'You're perfect'. 

My dear baby girl, I promise I will never stop saying these words to you. I want you to always remember how perfect, beautiful and loved you are! My wish for you today is for you to grow healthy and strong, to continue to brighten the lives of everyone around you, and to never lose your beautiful smile!

 Love you forever, mom

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