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Wednesday Baby Essentials

Hi everyone,

I hope you are having a great week! After many requests, I finally put together my Baby essentials list for all of you! I have been using these products for the past 2 1/2 months and I believe these have made my life as a mother easier. Some of these products were given to me as gifts and some of them I bought myself and I am so happy with the choices I made. 

AngelCare Movement and Sound Baby Monitor: My daughter loves to sleep on her tummy. Since she was a newborn she didn't like sleeping on her back. She kept waking herself up because of the Moro Reflex {The Moro reflex is an infantile reflex normally present in all infants/newborns up to 4 or 5 months of age as a response to a sudden loss of support, when the infant feels as if it is falling.} So the first few weeks were kind hard because the only way she would sleep for a long period of time was in my arms or on my chest. So I had to sacrifice my sleep at night so she could sleep on my chest. At first this nightly routine wasn't that bad, but as she started growing and gaining more weight having her on my chest for 2-3 hours at a time was becoming uncomfortable.

 If I put Aria on her tummy, she would sleep no problem for 2-3 hours, but I was worried because of the SIDS(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). I got so scared when I learned about SIDS and that is the number one reason of death on healthy infants in United Stated. So I started researching things online and I come across a forum for moms who faced the same problem and some of them suggested getting AngelCare Movement and Sound Baby Monitor. It has given me peace of mind and I am able to sleep so much better at night knowing that my baby is safe. This monitor would set an alarm off if there is no baby movements(breathing) for few seconds. I know this is not an essential product for everyone, but it definitely is on the top of my list.

Glider & Ottoman: I got this as a gift from some friends and I absolutely love it. It's great to put baby to sleep or to nurse her.

Pacifier Clip: Perfect to keep the pacifier clean and at hand at all times.

Summer Infant Swaddle Me: I received this set as a baby shower gift and, it was great for swaddling when Aria was a newborn, until she grew out of them. It also helped with her Moro reflex. 

Lansinoh Cream for Breastfeeding Mothers: This cream is heaven sent. Breastfeeding can be painful at first, but this cream heals instantly. 

Ingenuity Swing: It is great to keep the baby entertained for a little, while I can get stuff done in the kitchen or on my computer.

Lansinoh Nursing Pads: This are a must for breastfeeding mothers. I prefer this disposable ones instead of the cloth ones. 

Mommy's Bliss Sweet Slumber Calming Mist: I bought this calming mist just out of curiosity, but it has become essential to Aria's bedtime routine. This mist smells like lavender and chamomile. 

Nursing Pillow: To be honest I haven't used my nursing pillow to nurse. Instead, I use it to put Aria during her tummy time. She absolutely loves it. It's her favorite time of day! 

 PS: The picture above is clickable and it will take you directly to the stores where you can find these products. 

Let me know what you think of this list. What are some of your favorite Baby Essentials?

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