
Monday Baby Teething Tips

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Teething tips and Tricks, what to pack when traveling with a teething baby
Teething tips and Tricks, what to pack when traveling with a teething baby
Teething tips and Tricks, what to pack when traveling with a teething baby
Teething tips and Tricks, what to pack when traveling with a teething baby
Teething tips and Tricks, what to pack when traveling with a teething baby, Advil Infants

Teething tips and Tricks, what to pack when traveling with a teething baby

Hi lovely friends,

I hope you all had a great weekend! I felt like my weekend was over before I even realized with all the unpacking and organizing I had to do. We moved to our new apartment about a week ago and finally almost everything is unpacked and in order. And now the apartment seems so much bigger without all the boxes everywhere. It didn’t help that Aria has been super clingy these past few days and she wants to be held all the time. I don’t know what it is, maybe teething discomfort, maybe she is not used to the new apartment yet. I am not sure, but as all the other babies, she goes through these different phases and so I have learned to accept that fact and put all the other things on hold to give her a little more attention and love as she grows out of them. And in the meantime I learn so much about motherhood and all the joys that come with it. She’s growing up so fast and I can’t believe she is going to be 8 months this week.

As moms we all want nothing but the best for our children and we want to help them as they go through these difficult phases. Teething has been a difficult phase for us. Aria has been teething for a few months now and she doesn’t have any teeth yet. So I had to do a lot of research in order to learn how to help her ease the teething pain. One day was especially hard on both of us and I posted a picture of Aria on Instagram asking for tips and tricks on how to ease the teething pain and I got so many responses and advice from many of my dear friends and family. I want to send a big thank you to all of you for helping this new mama. Thank you so much for all the advice. I’m going to refer to some of those tips in this post.

A month ago we traveled to San Diego for a short vacation and we had such a good time. It was Aria’s first flight and to my surprise she did amazing. So today I wanted to share with you the most important things you need to pack when traveling with your teething baby. So here are my top three things to have in your bag besides all the other necessities such as diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer etc.

1.      Teething toys/Teether – There are so many different kinds of teethers out there and I’ve probably bought all the kinds hahahah. From my research and also the direct advice I got on my Instagram account from a friend who is a dentist, I’ve found that cold compresses help to soothe teething pain, in the same way that ice works on a sprained ankle to numb pain and reduce swelling. I’ve noticed that Aria likes her cold liquid-filled teether as it helps her sore gums. She also likes her little lamb teether as well as the little rubber duck you see in these pictures.

2.      Thermometer – I always keep a thermometer in my diaper bag when I know I’ll be traveling with my baby, either on road trips or flights. Cutting the first tooth is pretty painful and even can cause mild fever. So it’s always good to have a thermometer handy.

3.      Infants' Advil – I first bought my Infants Advil when Aria got her 6 months vaccine shots so I could have it just in case she developed a fever.  Infants' Advil® is available for infants ages 6 to 23 months old in a non- staining, Dye-Free White Grape liquid and it offers parents a simple, effective solution to relieve their babies' pain with up to 8- hours of relief in just one dose. So whenever I am traveling now, I pack one with me in case Aria gets a lot of teething pain. I know there are Walgreens everywhere and some of them are open 24 hours, but I always prefer to be prepared and get the things I’ll need ahead of time. Also if you are interested to get yours, there is an instant redeemable coupon for $1.50 off  Infants' Advil.

I would love to learn more about your tips and tricks on how you help your little one ease their teething pain. Feel free to share them with me in the comments below.

Thank you for stopping by lovely friends!

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