
Friday Blushing

buntastic band, most beautiful hair bun, quickest hair bunbuntastic band, most beautiful hair bun, quickest hair bun
buntastic band, most beautiful hair bun, quickest hair bun
buntastic band, most beautiful hair bun, quickest hair bun
buntastic band, most beautiful hair bun, quickest hair bun

Hi lovelies,
Happy Friday everyone!

I finally found some time to sit on my computer to write this post. This week has been crazy and I haven't had any time to write anything on my blog! I quickly realized that as a mom you don't really get that much of personal time. You see, between sleep training Aria and packing to move to a new apartment this weekend, I've had zero time to myself. But, hey it's OK. I love spending time with my baby girl and getting to know her personality. She is growing up so fast and I just want to time to slow down. You can follow me on snapchat for more snaps of our daily lives and of course more of her cuteness. Username is @elleserabelle.

Back to this outfit now. I love all the blushing colors of this outfit. I don't get to dress up that often now, since I spent most of my time chasing after my baby girl, but I love to put on my heels, do my hair and make up and put on some jewelry once in a while. It makes me feel so girly and elegant. A hair bun is my favorite hair style for this hot summer days, to keep my hair out of the way. For this style I used Buntastic Band, which is a a perfect combination of a handcrafted leather wrist band and a hair clip.  It is designed for the girl who loves fashion and practicality as well. Buntastic is a unique  accessory that can compliment your outfits and make the most beautiful hairbuns in few minutes.

This is actually a product I created a few years ago and it was fully funded on Kickstarter.  I've been selling them in eBay and Etsy for the past year.

So if you are interested you can get it here on sale for a limited time. 
Thanks for stopping by!!

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