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Monday Sequins and Roses

Hi dear friends,

I hope the weekend treated you well! 

I am excited about this coming week cos my husband and I set some new goals and made some new plans for the coming week so I am excited and motivated to accomplish those. Usually on Sundays we sit down and plan the week ahead. We don't always set goals, but this time after talking to each other we felt impressed to write down some. Things like writing in our journals, reaching out to friends we love but haven't been in contact for a while, reading a new book etc were at the top of our list! I really hope at the end of this week, we will look back and feel good about what we have accomplished. 

So now lets talk about this look! I mean this top has everything a top should have! Sequins and roses. What a perfect match! As you have probably noticed I have been wearing darker colors lately such as black jackets, black skinnies. It's just that since my daughter was born three months ago, I've been feeling more comfortable wearing darker colors, hoping to look slimmer. But I promise, now that spring is finally here, I'll go back to my old colorful self. 

Have a great Monday! 
Thanks for stopping by!!

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1 comment

  1. I love your floral print top. So gorgeous :) And your hair is equally gorgeous too!!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane


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