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Friday Fashion vs Style

In the fashion world circulates a popular idea that horizontal stripes can do the female figure no good because they can make even the slimmest person look bigger. I know many woman avoid wearing stripes for fear of looking fat. So you might ask yourself what is a pregnant woman doing wearing stripes again. If you have followed me this past week, I posted another look featuring a striped dress. And now, here I am wearing another one hahaha. 

I must say that I have never been a girl who followed fashion rules. I am more like wear-what-you-feel-comfortable kind of girl. I believe that everyone can make their own fashion rules or in other words create their own style. I totally agree with the wise words of Yvet Saint Laurent  "Fashion fades, style is eternal"

I want to hear your thoughts on Fashion vs Style and especially about following the "unspoken" fashion rules.

Thanks for stopping by!

And Happy Halloween!

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1 comment

  1. I love your dress Ema! The hat makes it perfect for sunny Fall days.


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