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Tuesday Pink + Denim = BFF

      Hi everyone,

As September is bidding us farewell today, I hope you it was a good month to you and you made lots of fun memories. I am definitely looking forward to October. I have been in the process of decorating my home and it's been such a fun experience. Lately my days have consisted of countless hours on Pinterest, online shopping and checking out my local decor and craft stores. I am super excited to see the final result.
Well, here I am wearing pink again! I truly believe that pink and denim are meant to be best friends. They look so good together and complement each other very well. This is one of my favorite day looks lately - oversized shirt, skinny jeans, flats and I am ready to go and conquer a busy day. My favorite part about this outfit are the canvas shoes. They make walking around with a growing belly much easier.

Below you can find links to my outfit details and some other favorite alternatives.

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1 comment

  1. So cute! I totally agree, pink is beautiful with denim. I've totally been spotted in many flowy tops and jeans lately, def the comfort our growing bellies need :)



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