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Wednesday Pasta Primavera

Today I am bringing to you a delicious recipe! Pasta is one of my favorite dishes and I always try to experiment with different kind of sauces and ingredients.
Usually I prepare my meals based on what I have in the fridge that day. I try to picture in my mind how the different combination of ingredients would taste together. The ingredients I used for the sauce this time were: 2 finely chopped zucchinis, 
              1 cup of chopped mushrooms, 
1 fresh spinach bunch,
1 cup of shrimps, 
olive oil, 
wine vinegar, 
half lime,
2 tbs butter, 
2 tbs all-purpose flour, 
1 cup half and half and 
different kind of seasonings. 
After preparing all the ingredients, I started by cooking the shrimps in a large sauce pan. I sauteed them in olive oil, lime juice, and seasoned them with garlic, salt and pepper. After the shrimps were cooked thoroughly, I added the chopped zucchinis and mushrooms. I added a little more lime juice and let them cook until soft, gradually stirring. When they were almost done, I added the spinach since it only takes it few minutes to cook. In another small pan, I prepared the white sauce by mixing together butter, flour and half and half ( you can also use milk if you don't have half and half)
After the white sauce was ready, I mixed it with the cooked shrimps and veggies. 
I cooked the pasta and voila everything was ready. 
It was delicious, exactly as I had pictured in my mind.
Let me know if you try it.
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