
Monday The kiss that sealed everything

In a couple's  life there are many dates to celebrate. I can list only a few as the most important, such as the day they first met, the day they had the first kiss, the day they got engaged, the day they got married, the day they had their first child etc. Any of these dates hold special and treasured memories that last forever and seem to define the rest of each other's life. 
Today is April 14th 2014 and it's a special date in our book of life! Eight years ago, we had our first kiss!
Each year, on April 14th we "take a walk" down memory lane and remind ourselves of those beautiful times in our lives when we first fell in love with each other! These memories truly bring smiles to our faces and make our day a little sweeter!

I hope you all have a wonderful week dear friends!
Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Anonymous10:35

    So cute Ema! Happy first "kissary"!!

  2. So sweet! I love when couples remember special dates like this. I made sure I wrote down the first day my boyfriend and I kissed, too. :)

    - www.meyouandhayleylarue.com

  3. Sa e vjeter kjo fotoja old times


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