
Thursday Floral and Coral - Easter Outift

Hello everyone,

Here is one of my favorite outfits lately. I feel like this floral skirt and this coral shirt were anxiously waiting to be matched together. And I fulfilled their wish and made them best friends forever.
It's funny to think that clothes have feelings and wishes just like we do, but that's how I feel sometimes. hahaha
Well floral print has been everywhere lately and for a good reason. It's spring time and we want to feel in tune with the blooming nature around us. The fact is that floral print will never get old! Let me know what you think of this floral trend lately.

Thanks for stopping by!

Linked up with Three-fer Thursday, Fashion Informant, Style sessions, What I wore

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  1. That skirt is THE ultimate floral piece! Everything about it is perfect.
    Happy Easter Ema!

  2. Looking gorgeous! I love that skirt on you <3

    By the way, I have added a new post on the blog. I’d love to know what you think: http://www.fashchronicles.blogspot.com

  3. You look like a doll!! Wow.. I have to say, your face is flawlessly beautiful..and the outfit is so feminine and so perfect. Loving the floral skirt..

  4. I love this skirt! The colors look wonderful on you!
    xox Megan

  5. I love your new layout! It's so fancy, and classic, and stylish at the same time!!! Pac fat me "blogun e ri". Me thuaj si ti rris numrin e followers please??? sja kam haberin fare. Urime shof qe te tut jane rrit shum qe heren e fundit qe e pashe blogun tend. Duket qe edhe pse ke qene e heshtur per disa kohe ke qene duke punuar me blogun. ;-) Miss you!!!!!

  6. I absolutely love the outfit. You look great in it. Stunning! Love the new blog, too. You are so inspiring, Ema.


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