
Monday Birthday Celebrations - A weekend to remember!

What an amazing weekend. I had a series of birthday celebrations throughout this weekend! Here's a quick recap! My birthday was on Friday, and my sweet husband had planned out the whole day for the two of us. We started the day skyping with family back home, blew my candles and got tons of sweet wishes! So grateful for technology! Everything was amazing. Since my birthday was on the Chinese New Years, it just happened that we went to a Chinese Restaurant and we had some delicious food. Friday was totally awesome!
On Saturday my BFF, Maz came down to Provo to visit us! The beautiful cake that you see in these pictures is a work of art from Maz{she has a blog as well which I totally love - check it out}
I loved that cake! Not only was it beautiful, but it was so delicious as well! Sunflower is my favorite flower and I just loved it how she personalized it for me.
We had lunch and afterwards I took some pictures of Maz. She is running for Miss Africa Utah in early March, and I can't wait! The photoshoot was amazing and I'll blog about it later.
On Sunday, I had a little dinner party with some awesome friends, who made my birthday last a little longer!

Thanks for stopping by! 
I hope you have a fabulous week!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Birthday Ema! :) Can I have your hair please? Gorgeous!!


  3. That cake is the cutest thing ever! So glad you had a fantastic celebration weekend :)
    Happy birthday!!!


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