
Friday The Story of the Birthday Dress

 Dress - Golden Mimosas // Cardigan - old (similar) H&M // Boots - sold out (similar) Forever 21 // Sunglasses - Forever 21 // Watch - c/o UWA 

Since I was a little girl, I used to get really excited about my birthday. Even though my birthday is in the middle of winter, still the love I get from family and friends makes it as bright and warm as a summer day. Over these years, my birthday day meant getting together with family and friends, eating a lot of delicious food, laughing over past memories, taking a lot of pictures, dancing & singing {especially when my aunts arrive, that's when all the dancing and singing starts}. A special tradition for my birthday was wearing a new dress made by my mom. Even though I am 6000 miles apart from my family, these traditions still continue! Yes, today is my birthday and is going to be the best birthday yet! I get to have two birthday celebrations; one in Albania and one in Utah. My mom makes me blow my candles over Skype as well. It's so much fun!
This lovely dress made by my wonderful mom, is my new birthday dress this year. This dress got my heart immediately! I love it!

Linked up with: Trend Spin Link up

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  1. this dress is gorgeous -- your mom is really talented! what a sweet tradition. love that you blow your candles out via skype!


  2. Beautiful this look! This dress is amazing.
    Today is really your birthday? Happy birthday!!!
    Eni K.


  3. Your dress is amazing! You mum always makes the bestest - Is that even a word? - outfits :)
    Oh,, and of course .. Happy Birthday!!!

    From Making Things Alive

  4. Happy Birthday sweet Ema! May you always be happy and surrounded by your loved ones.
    I love your new dress and the cardigan and bag too.
    Happy celebrations!

  5. This is the classiest look ever! I love it!

  6. I love the story behind your B-day. You are just beautiful and bright.Te dua shume mike!

  7. What an awesome tradition! My mom used to make my first day of school outfits. I think she stopped in 7th grade because I thought I was too cool for it, but I totally miss it now! Hope you had a great birthday! Thanks for linking up again with What She Wears. You look beautiful!

  8. Loving the floral pattern and the overall shape of this dress, very classic and pretty and feminine;) P.S. Can your mom make ME dresses too??

  9. Anonymous16:19

    wow, you have some gorgeous clothes! x


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