
Sunday Discover Albania - Part I

 This post is dedicated to my home country, Albania. Since being in USA, the most frequent question I get asked is: "Where are you from?" And after I say: "I am from Albania", the most frequent reaction I get is: "Oh that is awesome!" followed by "Where exactly is Albania?" "How is it like there?

So, I am going to spare you from reading the facts that you can find in Wikipedia or other sites! I am going to describe Albania the way I see it, through my eyes!
 I was back home this past summer and it was so great to be surrounded by friends and family and to walk again the crowded streets of Tirana. There are many things that I love and miss about my country so I am gonna try to mention few of them in a series of posts. 

I love the Albanian nature

Albania, located in the heart of Balkan, is not very explored by foreign tourists yet. But all the lucky ones that  get to visit Albania, have such a great time discovering the incredible nature that Albania has been blessed with. If you love beaches, we have plenty of them, sandy and rocky ones! If you love mountains, we have plenty of those too. My husband and I took a trip to the south of Albania this past summer and we absolutely loved it. The scenery was SO beautiful! While driving through the small villages and the pretty beaches, I couldn't help it, but think that God painted his masterpiece when he created Albania!
Because I really love my readers, I am going to share with you some pictures I captured this past summer, but you should have been there to thoroughly experience it like we did!

Fshati Dukat, Vlore

Wise and Hardworking Granny
We stopped a lot during our trip, cos my husband wanted to get to know the people who lived in those areas

Into the deep blue. I couldn't tell where the sea and sky met each other!

The cool man sailing - Dhermi
Bunec Beach


Are you in love with Albania yet?
I sure am!

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1 comment

  1. Beautiful! It makes me miss home so much more.


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