
Wednesday Continuing the legacy

I don't know if I have already shared with you how I got my passion for fashion, but I am going to do it anyways. It all started in very young age! My mother is a wonderful seamstress. But not just that. She is very talented in giving everything a unique look and sophisticated style. So I pretty much grew up having the nicest and prettiest clothes because of her. And I naturally started appreciating beauty in everything around me, especially in clothes. I was heavily involved in her day to day work, and started picking up things here and there. It was and it still is very rewarding to see her work, which for me it's art itself. Even though we don't agree on everything related to fashion, we still share the same love for simplicity and sophistication. So because my mom's work is such an inspiration to me I decided that starting now, every week I will try to feature some of my mom's works on my blog! I hope you enjoy is as much as I do.

Here is one of her works! The burgundy leather jacket was restyled by her! It used to be a big leather jacket that I didn't like because of the collar's style, sleeves' shape etc. Basically I just liked the leather pattern and nothing else. So my mom gave it a fresh look that fits me perfectly. Yes, my mom knows best!

Burgundy Leather Jacket (similar) - Forever 21
Rose Floral Skirt (Similar) - Windsor
Top - Forever 21
Shoes - Blink

Thanks to my friend Juliana for helping me with this pictures! It was her first time and she did a great job!

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1 comment

  1. Je shume bukuroshe Ema :)
    I lumshin duart mamit tend!


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