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Sunday Homemade Sushi

Beautiful Mia sharing her talent

So first of all, I should say that I love sushi and I was so excited when one of my friends taught me how to make homemade sushi this past summer. Her name is Mia and she was so nice to invite me one day to make sushi with her. Since then I have been making sushi very often because it is so easy and so tasty! I am not an expert, but I am going to share what I know.

In this post I am going to show how to make my version of California roll. But you can fill it anything you would like!

  • 1 cup Rice
  • 1 cup water                                                                                                             
  • 1/4 cup Rice wine vinegar                                 
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar
  • 1/4 cup Mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup imitation Crab meat, finely chopped

  • Seaweed
  • 1/2 Cucumber peeled and sliced in small pieces
  • Cream cheese

Step 1

Wash the rice in several changes of water until the rinse water is no longer cloudy, drain well, and place in a covered pan or rice cooker with 1 cup water. Bring pan to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer, and cover the pan. Allow the rice to simmer until the top looks dry, about 15 minutes

Step 2

Mix the rice vinegar and sugar in a small bowl until the sugar has dissolved, and stir the mixture into the cooked rice, until well combined. allow the rice to cool and set aside.

Step 3

Use a blender to finely chop the imitation crab meat and mix it with mayonnaise in a bowl. 

Step 4

Prepare the cucumbers, carrots, cream cheese etc. After you have all the other ingredients ready, it's time to roll the sushi. To roll the sushi, cover the bamboo rolling mat with plastic wrap. Lay a sheet of the seaweed, shiny side down, in the plastic wrap.

With wet fingers, firmly pat a thin layer of the prepared rice, leaving 1/4 inch uncovered at the bottom edge of the sheet. At this point, you can choose to flip the seaweed sheet so the seaweed side is up. I prefer it down, so I am going to show my version, even though the real California roll has the seaweed sheet up.

Step 5

Now is the time to start filling with crab meat, cucumbers, cream cheese, avocado, etc. Place all the ingredients somewhere in the middle of the sheet.

Roll the bamboo into a long roll by first folding the bottom third in then roll it up. It should look like a tube of some sort. 
 Now remove the sushi roll from the bamboo and cut into small pieces.

Step 6

Enjoy it and share it with friends!

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  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog dear and for leaving such a sweet comment :) This is a great post. I love sushi! Been wanting to make some but I thought it will be hard, thanks for sharing this recipe, would love to try it out some time. :) Am following your blog as well, can't wait to see more posts from you :)

    1. Jasmin, thank you for your kind comment! You're so sweet!

  2. This look delicious Ema! And thanks for the step-by-step - I want to try it!

    1. Thanks Maz! It is very tasty you should definitely try it. I'll invite you next time I make some :)


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