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Wednesday Mixing prints

Learn how to make the quickest and easiest hair bun

Hi friends,
I hope you are having a great week so far. Good news is that weekend is almost here! I don't know about you, but I look forward to my weekends because I get to spend more time with my husband. Before he started work, we were inseparable and so, now the days seem longer and the weekend can't come any sooner :)
These pictures were taken a few weeks ago when my baby bump was much smaller, but I had forgotten to post it, {Oops} But since I love the colors and the mixing prints of this outfit, I thought to show it off anyway! Better late than never, right?
Here I am wearing a Buntastic Band, a leather wrist band that can make the quickest and easiest hair buns. I designed this hair accessory and launched it last year on Kickstarter. It was a great success and got fully funded really fast. Right now you can order it here
Let me know what you think of it! 
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  1. I love the mixed pattern. I've always been in love with floral so I try to incorporate it into my look whenever I can. This one is fab on you!!

    A new post is up on the blog. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you are able to drop by: http://www.fashchronicles.blogspot.com

  2. Such a beautiful outfit, I love the mix of colours, patterns and textures, makes for such an interesting look!

  3. Beautiful textures and patterns in this outfit. Your hair is beautiful, too!

  4. Love the colors!! Im excited to have found another preggie to follow, I'm currently 15 weeks so it will be fun to see how you style your bump.


  5. oooh, love these colors!

  6. Print mixing is always fun! This berry hue is perfect for fall :) Thanks for linking up with us at Three-fer Thursdays!
    xo, Steph
    White Coat Wardrobe

  7. The burgundy is stunning and just lovely for fall! Thank you for linking up with us for Thursday Style Confessions! You always look gorgeous!
    xoxo Crystal


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