
Wednesday Goodbye September!

Hi everyone,
I hope you are having a great week so for. I can't believe it September is over and we are officially in Fall. This whole year has gone by so fast! They say that time goes by fast when you are having fun. Aria has kept me busy for sure, but life with her has been a party with lots of smiles and giggles and has made me the happiest mom in the world. 

So a lot of you have asked me who takes my pictures for my blog. So the answer is : My HUSBAND! My darling husband is the one who takes my outfit pictures for my blog and has been a great supporter of this passion of mine. He is so patient and nice and never complains even though I am so picky when it comes to pictures. We usually set aside some time on Saturday afternoon when we shoot two or three outfits, and because of that it sometimes we end up not doing much on Saturdays. And I feel so bad, since weekends are the only time for my husband to relax and enjoy some time off work. So I've decided to take my own pictures using a tripod. I tried it for the first time yesterday and it felt so awkward at first to pose in front of the tripod, but then I kind of got used to it. I had Aria to keep me company who is a natural when in comes to posing. 
So we'll see how that goes! Let me know if you have anymore questions on the comments below or just shoot me an email.

So back to this outfit. I'm in love with this Steve Madden leopard shoes. They are so comfy and yet make this simple outfit look so stylish. Also I really like this black vest which is a perfect piece for transitioning into Fall.

I have linked these pieces below  and most of the things are under $50!

PS: For all of you who have asked me, my sunglasses are from Sunglass Spot!

Thanks for stopping by!

Much Love,

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