
Monday (Yellow+Denim)²

Hello lovelies,

So it's been a while since my last post, but I was on a family vacation to San Diego this past week{if you follow me on Instagram you probably knew that} and I hadn't had time to get on my computer. I realized that I love packing for my trips but I hate unpacking. I literally had piles and piles of laundry to do when I got back and instead of tackling those I would look at the pictures we took on our trip.

We had an amazing time in San Diego. It was so special because it was Aria's first vacation and flight. I was a little worried that she would cry and scream the whole plane ride,  but surprisingly she did amazing{expect for a 5 min break down on the flight back to Seattle}. She was such a happy baby and I loved watching her play and sleep in her daddy's arms. In San Diego we got to visit Sea World and San Diego ZOO but I will write more about my trip on another post, including some tips on traveling with babies.    

So as you have probably noticed I am loving matching my outfits to Aria's. It is so fun and I get so many compliments. Also I have been living in this denim shirt because it's so versatile and you can style it so many ways. I have a post coming up latter where I show how to style a denim shirt three different ways, so keep and eye out for that.
This look is so simple and perfect for a day at the park or running errands with your little one. I find it that when I am out and about with Aria, I need to be as practical as possible, in case she decides she doesn't like her stroller anymore and she wants to be held the whole time, which by the way is 80% of the time.

Well that's all for now. If you need me, you'll find me chasing my crawling baby around the house.



1 comment

  1. The matching is too cute!!!! I might die. You have a beautiful little girl.


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