
Friday Why is it important to play with your child?


As parents we want the best for our children and we are willing to do whatever it takes to raise them in a happy and healthy environment. There's no doubt that parenthood is one of the greatest joys in life. There's nothing that compares to seeing your little one explore the world around and learn new things every day. Often parents find themselves asking, am I doing enough? At least I know I have asked that question to myself many times. But one of the things I have learned in my short 6 months of being a mother is that nothing makes my baby girl happier than when I play with her. It doesn't matter how many colorful toys I put in front of her, my funny faces always make her giggle more. 
Although playing with my baby may seem like a hassle sometimes when the dishes and laundry are piling up and I just want to get things done around the house, I always feel so much better after I have played and laughed with my baby girl. And there is a scientific explanation to why is that. Continue reading and you will find out.

First of all here are some facts I have gathered to why is it so important to play with your child.
  • Build confidence 
  • Feel loved, happy and safe
  • Develop social skills, language and communication
  • Learn about caring for others and the environment
  • Develop physical skills
  • Connect and refine pathways in her brain.

The time you spend playing together gives your child lots of skills and attributes to get the best start in life.
Aren't these all great qualities we want our children to have? 

Also while researching I learned that there are differences in playing with mom and in playing with dad.  Fathers tend to participate more in physical play with the child, while mothers and children participate in more instructive and verbal play. Both forms are important for the child’s development. Parents wouldn’t want their children to be good only at sports, without the ability to express themselves well. Nor do parents want children to be good at talking about things and not have the ability to really “get their hands dirty” with activities.
Just as it is important for both parents to play with the child for the child’s sake, both parents receive benefits from doing so. I recently learned that the hormone oxytocin plays a major role in parent-infant bonding and other social and emotional behaviors. Oxytocin levels increase when mothers engage in affectionate play with their infant and when fathers engage in stimulatory play with their infants. Here’s some even greater news: when parents play with children, oxytocin is released in them. Think of it as a relaxing massage for your mind that you don’t have to pay extra for! 

I would love to know what are your favorite games to play with your little ones!
Don't forget to comment below.


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