
Friday Stripes strike again

Dress: similar here and here // Shoes: Forever 21 // Hat: Forever 21 // Blazer: (old Forever 21), similar here // Sunglasses : similar here // Rings: H&M // Stroller: Urbini  

Happy Weekend everyone!!! 
As a mom you don't really get a day off, but I still look forward to the weekend because that means more time with daddy and more family walks to our favorite parks. Also it is supposed to be sunny all weekend long and that's always a plus. 

I love this outfit because I feel it's so appropriate for the weekend. It's casual enough to be comfy for weekend activities, but still the green blazer makes you feel like you actually dressed up a little.
I have always loved stripes and they have been on repeat on my blog for a long time {here, here and here}. It just seem that I always gravitate towards them. This dress is actually made by my mom, but I have linked some similar ones on the links below. My blush canvas espadrilles are from Forever 21 and only for $12. Unfortuantely the blush and black are sold out but the striped one are still available on few sizes. Also my straw fedora hat is from Forever 21 at only $12.90. 

I feel like the new purchases I made from Forever 21 are a great addition to my spring wardrobe. 
How about you, have you found any good deals to add to your spring wardrobe. Let me know in the comments below.

Thank you for stopping by! 
Linked up with: Style sessions, Trend Spin, Style swap, Confident twosday
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  1. What a gorgeous mom you are! I love the striped dress with your blazer. And yes, stripes is such a classic isn't it? :)

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  2. You look so cute!! LOVE that dress on you!!!

    Mahogany Closet

  3. What a cute and casual look! The green of that jacket is perfect, and that hat is the icing on the cake.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. Stunning dress! I found your blog through I Do DeClaire. I host a fashion kink up every Wednesday (now live) it would be great if you could stop by :)



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