
Monday Introducing my new hair color

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a great weekend! I didn't do anything special; running a lot of errands lately.
But I made some time for shooting some new outfit pictures which you are going to see in the next few days. I have been obsessed with hats lately so you will see a lot of them in my posts. 
As you can see from these pictures, I was brave and dyed my hair this weekend. I have had highlights for a long time now, and I just didn't want to keep up with dying the roots all the time, so I thought it's time for a change. I love my highlights but I do love my natural color as well. So what do you think of my new hair color? Do you like it?

I remember when I was in high school I couldn't wait to dye my hair. It felt such a grown up thing to do. My mom was {and still is} very obsessed with me having long and healthy hair{she actually cried when I cut my hair short while living away from her in England, but that's another long story}, so of course she didn't want me to dye my hair. I don't remember how I did it, but I managed to have her agree with me so I could dye my hair for my senior prom. I was super happy. Looking through a lot of celebrity magazines, I had pictured in my mind the exact color I wanted my hair to be. So the time came for me to dye my hair and I was still super excited, until I sat in the comfy chair and I was looking at myself in the mirror. I don't know if this happens to you as well, but every time I am about to change my hairstyle or do something to my hair, in those last few moments I look myself in the mirror, I feel so beautiful and I almost change my mind. But of course, I didn't change my mind because I wanted to be a grown up. I went through with it and to be honest I didn't really like the final result. But then I got used to it. Since then, I have experimented with few different hair colors but nothing too drastic. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have dyed my hair in the first place. It's such a pain to keep dying it all the time; not to mention how unhealthy it's for your hair. I have few younger cousins and I always advise them not to dye their hair. One of them, Anika, she is almost 21 and has never dyed her hair. Her hair is absolutely gorgeous!  
Of course I still hope that one day I'll grow out my natural hair color, but it hasn't happened just yet cos I am so impatient. Maybe one day!

What are your thoughts on dying your hair?
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  1. Looks great on you!

  2. Love the new hair color! Looks great on you and it's lighter, which is perfect for the warmer months!

    May from La Vie En May

  3. Absolutely LOVE the color, it looks natural and refreshing. Also, your outfit in these pics is amazing! I need to know where you got everything haha XD

    1. Thanks Joni! You're so sweet! Ti them kur te takohemi ndonje dite se u beme per mall!

  4. Ema it looks so natural. U know that I am a big fan of natural looks. So I love your new hair a lot. U look great as usual. I actually am older than Anika and never dyed my hair. :D I am never planing on dying it. But you never know. So I think keeping our hair all natural will make us feel younger. I personally like the comment when peeps tell me; Wow u look just like in high school. Cuz of my hair still being the same. I do like when I hear that. :D So ladies stay as natural as you can, for as long as you can :D

    1. Alma, I totally forgot about it! Your natural hair is so beautiful and healthy! You should never dye it!

  5. u look so pretty... nice blog there... love ur new hair color... suits u... hey drop by my blog & interested in following each other?

  6. Dying our hair is like having our freedom to choose the color that will describe who we are. It’s fun to do, especially if it came out beautifully like yours. But of course, it has certain consequences. The more our hair has been exposed to chemical dyes, the more our hair will be prone to damage. Maybe that’s one reason why your mom doesn’t want you to do it at first. Anyway, hair looks great! Just maintain it properly so that the color will last longer.

    Catherine Ward @ Camerons Salon


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