
Thursday Discover Albania - Part II

As promised, I will be writing a series of posts about my home country, Albania. This is  "Discover Albania - Part II"  and if you missed "Discover Albania - Part I", you can find it here. A lot of unpleasant things are going on in Albania right now, which make me sad and emotional. I wish and pray that everything will soon come to an end and this would be just a bad dream. Today I have chosen to bring you some Albanian taste! So prepare to get hungry!

I love Albanian food 

First of all, you can never have enough of Albanian fruits and veggies. Everything is freshly produced and tastes so good. We don't have to wait for a certain day of the week, or certain season to go to a Farmers Market, we have Farmers Market everyday in Albania. Of course there is no substitute for my mom's or my mother-in-law's home cooking, but I definitely enjoy eating out while I am there. Some of the things I love eating in Albania and  I have yet to find a better place, are Pizzas, Salads, Barbecues, homemade Fries and Sea Food! And the best part about Albanian restaurants is that they are not super expensive for the quality of food they offer. Here are the links of my favorite restaurants in Tirana, Albania, Juvenilja Castello and Taiwan, Casa di Pasta. So if you ever visit Albania, you should check out these restaurants.

These are some pictures I took just this past summer!

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